Tribute to Ninja


We laid Ninja to rest last week
She was the sister of Kai
The daughter of grandma Tony
And the daughter of Bear

She lived a great but challenging life
She wasn’t a dog that was designed for this world
Of concrete and fine print and artificial boundaries
She was a dog whose spirit was so vast
It was never able to be contained

They say there once was a mighty River
They tried to build a damn one day
They did and it was grand
How grand it was they said

But then one day
That damn came crashing down
You could hear it for miles
It felt like an earthquake

Down came the water
Crashing and rushing and gushing
Roaring and roaring
It could not be stopped

Some dogs are like some rivers
They are not meant to be contained
They are never meant to flow smoothly
All the time

We had come to see her a week prior
It was thought that we had lost her
She hadn’t moved in quite some time
I really came to say goodbye

I was really coming to say goodbye
But I didn’t know it
She sprang to life
And thus the last memory I have if her

It is if her smiling
Her being so happy
She smelled her brother and mother
On my special bag I brought

It’s one thing to have bred some hard dogs
It’s another thing to have bred the hardest dogs you ever met
And to have kept in touch with them for their whole life
To have watched them all come and someday all go

We will feel separate for now Ninja
Farewell and go free
One day I’ll hold you and get that kiss
From you again

You were such a good girl
You tried so so very hard
And never gave up doing your best
Until the end

Eric Stokell