The Leader


The leader
They are the one who takes responsibility when things go wrong
Far more than they do when it goes right
The leader
They are the one who can get others to follow them
Not because they have to
But because they want to
The leader is the one who when things go wrong
They look back and try to learn from their mistakes
Even if to most it doesn’t seem to be their fault
The leader knows there is so much mystery out there
That there is more to know than they know
And they do not know what they do not know
The leader knows the way back home
They know how to lead even in the dark
They do their best to share their strength
And do not let their weaknesses bleed out onto others
The leader knows when it’s time
We trust them to tell us when it’s time
To come
To go
To explore
To rest
To stop
To be fierce
And yes to be disciplined
As well as when to play
The leader we miss when they are gone
Without them we do feel lost in so many ways
Their protection
Their confidence
Their clear devotion to the ones who follow them
So when we say “if we love them, we lead them”
And I say this is leadership
I mean leadership in the way an amazingly difficult yet powerful dog once taught me.

Eric Stokell